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日期:2018-04-20 字號:大 中 小
The Upgrade Version of quality management system certification, not simply refer to the transition to new standard, but a systematic upgrading of quality management system certification routines to drive the comprehensive elevation of enterprises’ quality management system, to guide within the full range and the overall process the quality management participation of all staff and even the whole society, so as to allow all interested parties (including enterprises, consumers, supply chains, etc.) benefit from the quality improvement. Details contents include: I. Introduce classified certification mode to reflect the differentiation of enterprise management levels. II. Conduct featured industry certification to meet specific industry demand. III. Integrate multiple management systems to improve the comprehensive management efficiency of enterprises. IV. Provide value-added quality diagnostic service to meet multi-level quality demands of enterprises. V. Reform traditional certification mode using internet, big data etc. new technologies to optimize quality management tools. For instance, the adoption of remote audit, off-site data analysis etc. to improve audit efficiency and accuracy of evaluation.